Skin conditions
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, varying from mild to severe with a range of causes, that can affect anyone including adults.
Acne cosmetica
Acne cosmetica is a mild type of comedonal acne caused by using cosmetics and applicators.
Acne mechanica
Acne mechanica is caused by constant friction and pressure against the skin.
Acne scarring
Acne scarring can develop as a side-effect of cystic acne, nodules or inflamed spots.
Acne vulgaris
Typically acne vulgaris presents itself as mild to moderate, and appears on the lower part of the face, on the chin and around the mouth.
Age spots
UVA stimulates pigment cells called melanocytes to manufacture melanin, which is not only responsible for a tan but can present as unwanted dark patches called age spots.
Back acne
Also known as “bacne”, acne tends to appear on the back when you are suffering from severe, systemic acne.
Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are follicles filled with excess oil and dead skin cells that oxidise, giving them a black appearance.
Crow’s feet
A common sign of ageing or external factors such as sun exposure, dynamic wrinkles can appear at the side of the eyes and stretch out towards the temples.
Dark circles
Dark shadows under the eyes occur for various reasons. Depending on the nature of dark circles, they can be treated with clinical skincare or aesthetic treatments.
Dull skin
Skin that has lost its brightness and may apppear grey is referred to as dull or lacklustre skin.
Excess hair
Excessive hair growth or unwanted hair, often caused by hormonal conditions such as hirsuitism or may be hereditary.
Excessive sweating
Also known as hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating can be embarrassing or inhibiting. Over a million people are estimated to suffer with hyperhidrosis in the UK.
Forehead lines
Lines on your forehead can be caused by ageing, raising your eyebrows, concentrating, squinting or frowning, or external factors such as sun exposure.
Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating, usually on the face, under arms or hands.
Ingrown hairs
Ingrown hairs are hairs that have curled around and grown back into your skin, rather than upwards, and can be painful.
The term jowls refers to sagging loose skin below the jawline, which most people develop with age.
Laughter lines
Laughter lines, commonly around the eyes and mouth, develop as a result of movement, ageing and other lifestyle factors.
Lumps and bumps
Cysts, lumps and bumps on the skin can appear in many shapes, sizes and colours, and most people experience some sort of growth on their skin during their lifetime.
Milia are tiny harmless white or yellowish raised cysts, bumps or spots on the skin.
A very common brown growth or patch on the skin that develops when pigment cells grow in clusters.
Neck lines
They appear commonly as part of the natural ageing process, usually indentified by wrinkles and sagging skin.
Nose to mouth lines
Nose to mouth lines (or nasolabial folds) are deep set wrinkles that appear as we age between the nose and mouth.
PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) affects how the ovaries function, and can cause excess facial or body hair in women due to high levels of ‘male’ androgen hormones.
Your body contains a pigment called melanin, which determines the colour of your skin, and certain disorders or UV exposure can cause changes to the colour.
Skin redness can present itself as rosacea, thread veins, eczema, dermatitis and more.
Rosacea is a common, long-term skin condition which usually affects the face, and can impact all skin types.
Skin tags
Skin tags are small brown or flesh-coloured growths that protrude from the surface of your skin.
The term spots can refer to a number of different skin conditions from blemishes to pimples and acne.
Sun damage
Some skin conditions can develop as a direct result of UV exposure, such as pigmentation and actinic keratoses.
Thin lips
Lips will get thinner as we age or as a result of other factors. Procedures such as lip filler injections can help to replace volume loss or plump thinner lips.
Thread veins
Sometimes known as spider or broken veins, thread veins are small, thin, visible veins found on the face or legs.
Under eye wrinkles
Fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes are physical signs of natural ageing or ageing as a result of sun exposure.
Unwanted tattoos
Choosing a tattoo design is a big commitment, but sometimes you may find styles or your tastes change, so you may want to remove your tattoo.
Verrucas are small, harmless lumps on the feet which most people experience, and can sometimes be painful. They can go away on their own, but that can take time.
Identifiable by a rough, firm, cauliflower-like appearance, a wart is a harmless skin growth caused by a common viral infection.
Weak chin
Although a weak or receding chin (known as mandibular retrognathia) is often a genetic trait, the appearance can be improved with dermal fillers.
Weak jawline
If your jawline is not well defined or rounded, this is usually genetic and can be improved cosmetically with dermal fillers.
White spots
White spots are relatively common, appearing as small white bumps or patches on the skin.
Folds and lines that appear on the skin can be dynamic, deepen as we age, or are accelerated by sun exposure and other factors such as smoking.
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