Fast, expert assessment by a specialist doctor within 3 days
Takes just 15 minutes
The sk:n promise
Our mission to deliver confidence through better skin is at the heart of everything we do. Our promise to you:
- Award-winning, unrivalled medical expertise. No one has more consultants, doctors and clinical expertise than sk:n, so no other dermatology provider comes close.
- Outstanding approach to client care for over 30 years. We’ve consistently delivered unrivalled, personalised client care, that’s always right for our clients. If you have a concern, you can trust us to solve it.
- Standards you can trust. Our market-leading medical, safety and training protocols and strict industry regulation means you can trust that your safety and care is our priority.
- We are the UK’s leading skin clinics. We’ve treated millions of clients, improving their self-confidence for the better – with some life-changing results.
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- More than 450 consultants, doctors, nurses and medical practitioners
- Regulated by the Care Quality Commission, Health Inspectorate Wales and Health Improvement Scotland
- Partner of the NHS
- Rated excellent by our clients on Trustpilot
- Strict safety and care protocols