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- Award-winning, unrivalled medical expertise. No one has more consultants, doctors and clinical expertise than sk:n, so no other dermatology provider comes close.
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- Standards you can trust. Our market-leading medical, safety and training protocols and strict industry regulation means you can trust that your safety and care is our priority.
- We are the UK’s leading skin clinics. We’ve treated millions of clients, improving their self-confidence for the better – with some life-changing results.
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- More than 450 consultants, doctors, nurses and medical practitioners
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- Strict safety and care protocols
Will milia fade without treatment?
This could be the case, with adults this could take a few months. However it is always best to get any skin conditions checked out by a trained professional. Definitely do not try any treatments at home or you could cause infection or scarring.
Can skincare products cause or worsen white spots under the eyes?
If you do have Milia particularly around the eye area, it could be something to do with the skincare products you are using. The skin around the eye is much thinner than on the face, so when eye creams are thick and heavy they can block pored and trap dead skin cells. So make sure you invest in a good quality, light eye cream. Another cause could be sun damage or an allergic reaction to harsh facial products.
How can I reduce the white spots under my eyes?
Ensure you have a good skincare routine can help reduce white spots under your eyes, which should involve good quality products, regular exfoliation and wearing high factor sun protection.
Is milia common in men?
Yes, this can be caused by using low quality products and heavy moisturisers after shaving or neglecting to exfoliate the skin. It is very important to invest in good quality skincare products which aren’t too heavy.
Can I wear makeup if I have milia?
You may feel like you want to cover up the white spots with makeup. However covering Milia with heavy makeup will stop your skin from shedding cells and may clog pores further, trapping keratin underneath your skin. Try to use breathable makeup, or instead of a foundation use light powder-based cover up.