The sk:n promise
Our mission to deliver confidence through better skin is at the heart of everything we do. Our promise to you:
- Award-winning, unrivalled medical expertise. No one has more consultants, doctors and clinical expertise than sk:n, so no other dermatology provider comes close.
- Outstanding approach to client care for over 30 years. We’ve consistently delivered unrivalled, personalised client care, that’s always right for our clients. If you have a concern, you can trust us to solve it.
- Standards you can trust. Our market-leading medical, safety and training protocols and strict industry regulation means you can trust that your safety and care is our priority.
- We are the UK’s leading skin clinics. We’ve treated millions of clients, improving their self-confidence for the better – with some life-changing results.
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- More than 450 consultants, doctors, nurses and medical practitioners
- Regulated by the Care Quality Commission, Health Inspectorate Wales and Health Improvement Scotland
- Partner of the NHS
- Rated excellent by our clients on Trustpilot
- Strict safety and care protocols
Keep track of your moles with Mole Mapping
Facial moles can be monitored for changes and abnormalities through a process known as Mole Mapping. If you have several moles over your body and find it hard to keep track of their size and shape, this service is a useful way of ensuring you don’t miss any potentially harmful developments. It involves having several digital full body photographs taken, which can later be compared to spot any signs of malignant melanoma, a common form of skin cancer. For more information about Mole Mapping at sk:n, click here.
How to best look after your moles
Sun exposure is the main cause of skin cancers, so protecting your skin from the sun is crucial for skin health. Experts advise to avoid direct sun exposure between 11am and 3pm on sunny days, and to wear protective clothing in addition to using sunscreen regularly.
Consultant dermatologist at sk:n, Dr Jinah Yoo, recommends using at least an SPF30 sunscreen with a UVB and UVA protection star rating of 4 or 5:
“Sunscreen should be applied 15 to 30 minutes before going outside and should be reapplied every two hours. Regular self-monitoring of your moles to look for any changes in colour, shape or size is also recommended. Warning signs for cancerous changes from existing or new moles/freckles can be easily remembered using the ABCDE rule outlined below:”
- Asymmetry – irregular asymmetrical shape
- Border – irregular or blurred edges
- Colour – colour changes: uneven colour with different shades of black, brown or pink
- Diameter – any rapid changes in size. Most melanomas are at least 6mm
- Evolving – when a mole changes in size, shape or colour, or begins to bleed or scab
If you notice any of these changes, you should seek advice from a doctor. At sk:n we have experienced doctors that can help check your moles and give you peace of mind.
Frequently asked questions
Can I get a facial mole removed for cosmetic reasons?
Yes, but with a private provider, like sk:n – not on the NHS. sk:n employs more than 90 qualified doctors and nurses and has the facilities to carry out minor surgical skin procedures in-clinic, including facial mole removal.
Can I get a facial mole removed on the NHS?
In recent years, the NHS has reduced the type of “non-essential” treatments it delivers, meaning some procedures, such as facial mole removal and removal of warts, verrucae and skin tags, can no longer be administered for free on the NHS. A facial mole that is not believed to be life-threatening or cancerous will not generally be removed on the NHS.
Does facial mole removal hurt?
Laser removal is described as feeling like the flick of an elastic band. For shave removal and excision removal, the area will be numbed with a local anaesthetic so you won’t feel anything.
Does facial mole removal leave a scar?
Excision removal will leave a small white or pink scar. Shave removal will leave a pink mark which will fade over time. With laser mole removal, there is less risk of scarring occuring.
How does laser mole removal work?
Laser mole removal uses light energy to break down the pigment within the mole. Prices start from £335.
How much does facial mole removal cost?
sk:n offer three facial mole removal treatments. The cost of excision removal is from £460, laser removal is from £335 and shave removal is from £305.
Is facial mole removal permanent?
There is a very small chance that your facial mole might grow back after having it removed, as a few cells may remain in the skin. If this is the case, we will book you in for another treatment. Usually, however, you will find that one treatment session is enough.
Is facial mole removal safe?
Facial mole removal is a relatively straightforward procedure with very few side effects. We receive more NHS referrals for mole removal than any other skincare provider and our team of doctors includes some of the most experienced plastic surgeons and dermatologists in the UK. During your initial consultation, your practitioner will explain any possible side effects and how to avoid them.
What happens after facial mole removal treatment?
After your facial mole has been removed, the treated area may feel tender for a few days and will need to be covered. Your practitioner will apply a dressing if necessary to prevent infection. It’s also best to use a strong sunscreen on the area for six months, as it will be more sensitive to sunlight. Your practitioner will provide you with full aftercare instructions.